Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Gym Time

Checking in for today :)

Down .6 pounds! It's probably just normal fluctuation in water weight, but I will celebrate the little victories.
I joined Spark People online today. I figure it can't hurt to be part of a community with similar goals to me. I have tried several other dieting methods in the past, and some are more effective than others. One that has been most effective for me was Weight Watchers. Spark People seems similar in theory to weight watchers, but it is free! I think the hardest thing for me is keeping up with logging in and staying active in the online community.
Also, evidently my Aunt can take guests with her to Gold's Gym, so I'm going to start going with her to work-out. I enjoy working out, so I'm looking forward to it. I'm always a little nervous to go to the gym when I first start working out. I think that everybody feels that way at the beginning. I just have to start and move past those feelings. It will be fun, and I know that I will feel better for it.
Until then I think I'm going to start ending my post with quotes that are meant to inspire me and perhaps somebody else.

"Don't wait. The time will never be just right." - Napoleon Hill

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

In the Crosshairs

Two post on day 1??! That's right. In my introductory post I mentioned wanting to focus on my weight. I want to elaborate on that. For starters, I want to lose weight. I figured that now is as good a time as any to set some goals and figure out how I'm going to work toward them.
My long term goal (LTG) is: Lose 50 pounds pounds by February 8, 2014.
That seems like a lot, so I think I will break it down into smaller, more attainable short term goals. We will note them STGs.
STG 1: Lose five pounds by October 5th.
This gives me 10 days, which I feel should be sufficient. Now to determine some objectives to help me reach this goal.
Objective 1: Do one hour of cardio work 3 times per week.
Objective 2: Do one hour of weight work 2 times per week.
Objective 3: Eat no more than 1500 calories per day.

I'm unsure about objective 3, but we will see how it goes and how I feel. I may adjust if necessary. I used some internet calculator to get a rough idea of calorie intake...
So, now onto the more fun process of thinking of a reward for meeting STG 1. I know it seems contrived, and should I really be rewarded for doing something that I should do anyways? Absolutely. I use tangible reinforcers in my work all the time, and they are typically successful. Anyways, it will make this process more fun and sparkly :)
So....for losing five pounds...trying to think of a non-food related reward...Ooh! I know! I will buy a Halloween decoration for my new house! I love Halloween, and I have been wanting to buy something for the house :)
It's settled. I have laid out my LTG, set my first STG, and determined my objectives. I will check in to update on progress.
Here's to tomorrow!

***If anybody does read aware that I am in no way a nutritionist or a doctor, and I have absolutely no expertise in dieting. In my opinion, if you want to lose weight, you should talk to your doctor first!

Step 1

"Can this really be that hard???!" I think to myself after spending two hours thinking of a title for my new blog. Obviously it is going to be more difficult than I think. I have spent several hours contemplating what starting this blog means.
Blogging is a challenge for me. This is not my first pass, and I currently have another blogging adventure under way. It is more of a professional development task. And, honestly, I'm not very good at it yet.
This? This is personal. I'm on a mission and in search of a spark that I feel like I've lost.

So far, I have tackled and conquered one of the culprits....cigarettes. That's right. It took me several years, but I finally kicked the habit...hopefully for good :) Not trying to push my agenda, but if you haven't...quit. Sometimes, I miss it like the dickens, but I wouldn't trade my cigarette-free life for anything. I will not mention it again (I hated having anti-smoking campaigns shoved down my throat).
Next, I've got my weight in the crosshairs.

It's not just my weight, though. I'm 29, and I feel like I'm laying down waiting for the world to roll over me. I want to be inspired and inspiring. I want to have fun, be me, enjoy the company of others, and find pleasure in every day.

I think I've finally figured out what starting this blog means. It means that I will put myself out there, and it is possible that somebody may read it. Someone might see my pictures and read my thoughts. I think it takes courage to put yourself out there for others to see, so in the spirit of not letting the world roll over me....
Step 1: Be brave